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Rooting Cherry Mobile Flare Via Recovery

What Is Rooting?

 Getting root or rooting your phone is the process of modifying the operating system on your device to grant you complete control over it. This means you can overcome limitations that the carriers and manufacturers put on your phone, extend system functionality, and even upgrade it to a custom flavor of Android.

The name root comes from the Linux operating system world, where the most privileged user on the system (otherwise known as Administrator on Windows) is called root. Installing a ROM may require rooting first, but just rooting can be done in only a few minutes, keeping your stock OS otherwise completely intact.

Rooting your phone does run the risk of potentially bricking it. Rooting also voids your warranty as per Cherry Mobile's statement so do your homework before attempting anything.

Rooting Cherry Mobile Flare Via Recovery 
(Stock & CWM) for v22, v31 & v37

I've compiled the files needed to be rooted in a flashable zip via CM Flare stock recovery mode.

1. No need of fastboot or ADB

2. No need for PC - Can be downloaded direct from Flare 1)
Download this file: CMFlareRoot(via Recovery by Net-hackerz)
MF pass: net-hackerz

2) Put in the root folder of your EXTERNAL microSD card

3) Boot in stock recovery (press volume up + power release the screen became red)

4) In recovery mode screen, select "apply update from external storage"
(hold the power button to execute)

5) Choose zip file you just saved in your EXTERNAL microSD card
(hold the power button to execute)

6) Wait for the process to finish

7) Reboot

note: you would see some signature "verification failed" warnings as the process progresses. simply ignore it.

this can also be done via CWM recovery

 package contains:- su (installs to /system/xbin/)- Superuser.apk by the mighty Chainfire (installs to /system/app/)- busybox (installs to /system/xbin/)

no symlinks for busybox applets (will do this when i get the time)

Tested in CM version 22, v31 and v37


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